Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party

How the Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party Shapes Suriname’s Politics

The Progressive Reform Party, or the Vooruitstrevende Hervormings Partij (VHP), is the current leading party in Suriname according to popular vote. The party, initially formed as a merger to represent the Indo-Surinamese community, now forms the majority in the country. The current Chairman, Chan Santokhi, has transformed the party under his leadership. This blog looks at how the Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party shapes and impacts the country's politics.

Who is the Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party?

Chandrikapersad Santokhi, also known as Chan Santokhi, is the Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party (VHP) as well as the President of Suriname. Santokhi plays a central role in shaping the country's political landscape. With extensive knowledge of police work, Santokhi's leadership is marked by his commitment to transparency, the rule of law, and economic reform. Santokhi was elected Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party in 2011 and won the presidential election in 2020. He has been instrumental in navigating Suriname through challenging economic times, particularly by addressing the country's debt crisis, seeking to restore international confidence, and managing Suriname's substantial reserves of natural resources.

Santokhi has also served as the Minister of Justice and Police, and his time in charge was marked by a severe crackdown on crime and a progressive movement against drug trafficking. Due to government corruption, Santokhi strongly opposed the previous president and dictator, Desi Bouterse.

Nilesh Bishesar CTA

Political Influence and Leadership Style of Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party

As the Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party, Santokhi has placed the party as a reckoning force for change in Suriname. After winning the direct presidential election, he promoted coalition-building and inclusivity, transforming the Progressive Reform Party into a multi-ethnic party. Due to the strategic alliances formed by the Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party, Suriname's political state has been stabilized despite the challenges of governing a coalition government with multiple political parties. The Progressive Party's emphasis on anti-corruption measures and moral reform has set a new tone in Surinamese politics, distinguishing his administration from previous federal governments, specifically Desi Bouterse.

Economic Growth and National Development

As Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party, Chan Santokhi has been at the forefront of Suriname's economic reform efforts. After recognizing the urgent need to address Suriname's financial instability, Santokhi has worked within the nation and outside to negotiate debt restructuring agreements and attract foreign investment. His administration has systematically prioritized economic diversification and aimed to reduce Suriname's reliance on traditional industries, such as gold and oil. Instead, as Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party, Santokhi's reform ideas have aimed to promote growth in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and renewable energy.

Santokhi's international policies are also designed to create a more sustainable and resilient economy, with him re-building relations with countries such as the Netherlands and China. The Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party has also made the nation capable of withstanding global market fluctuations and providing long-term gain for the Surinamese people.

Social Justice and Governance

The Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party has also strengthened the nation beyond just economic reforms after the successful election campaign. Chairman Santokhi's influence also extends to social justice and governance. Santokhi's party leadership has strongly advocated for human rights, equality, and the empowerment of all ethnic groups in Suriname.

As the head of government, Santokhi has introduced reforms in many sectors, such as education, healthcare, and social welfare, all aimed at improving the quality of life for every citizen. His policies promote a sense of national unity and identity, evident in the policies that seek to bridge ethnic divides and promote inclusivity within communities. Santokhi's approach to governance also emphasizes accountability and transparency, which has helped to rebuild trust in public institutions and improve foreign affairs.

Rishma KuldipSingh CTA

The Future of Suriname's Politics Under Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party

As President and Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party, Chan Santokhi's role in shaping Suriname's future remains pivotal. Chairman Sanokhi's ability to lead the country through financial recuperation, uphold political soundness, and facilitate social justice will be essential in demarcating the course of Suriname's democracy. Santokhi's vision for a thriving and inclusive Suriname continues to influence the nation's politics, and his leadership is set to leave a lasting impact on the country's development for years to come.


Chandrikapersad Santokhi's leadership as both the Chairman of the Progressive Reform Party and President of Suriname has been transformative in shaping the nation's politics. His focus on financial reform, transparency, and social justice has set a new path for Suriname, steering the nation through economic challenges and promoting a more inclusive society. Santokhi's focus on building coalitions and promoting good governance has not only stabilized Suriname's politics but also laid the groundwork for future development.

Rekha Bissumbhar CTA

Samar Takkar

Samar Takkar is a third year undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Psychology and Research. An avid tech, automotive and sport enthusiast, Samar loves to read about cars & technology and watch football. In his free time, Samar enjoys playing video games and driving.

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