Guest Info

Rekha Bissumbhar is a trailblazing woman in the oil and gas industry. She is the first female Director Upstream at Staatsolie, Suriname’s national oil company. Bissumbhar has over 20 years of experience in the industry and has held various positions, including Production Manager, Exploration Manager, and Deputy Director Onshore Upstream. She graduated from the ADEK University of Suriname and the Maastricht School of Management. Bissumbhar is also a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG).

Bissumbhar is a passionate advocate for women in the oil and gas industry. She is a role model for young women interested in pursuing a career in this field. She is also a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the industry. Bissumbhar is committed to ensuring that Staatsolie is a company that is welcoming and inclusive to all employees, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity.

Under Bissumbhar’s leadership, Staatsolie is committed to sustainable development. The company is working to reduce its environmental impact and to promote social responsibility. Bissumbhar firmly believes that the oil and gas industry can positively affect society. She is committed to using Staatsolie’s resources to benefit the people of Suriname.

About the Show

In this episode of Brown Business, Rajan Nazran takes a deep dive into Suriname, the smallest nation in South America. This intriguing country hosts a sizable global Indian community but faces an uncertain future.

Suriname boasts a mineral-rich and ecologically diverse environment, presenting potential economic prospects. However, it also challenges such as transitioning away from carbon-based industries, combating high inflation, dealing with crippling debt, and addressing corruption allegations.

Join Rajan and Rekha Bissumbhar, the Director of Upstream at Staatsolie and chair of Suriname’s leading business networking group VSB, as they explore the opportunities and obstacles ahead for Suriname.

Rekha sheds light on how the country is tackling high inflation and debt issues by implementing fiscal reforms and exploring debt relief strategies in collaboration with international partners. Additionally, Suriname is committed to transparency and good governance to address corruption, restoring its reputation and progress.

Investing in Suriname presents unique opportunities, but building trust and confidence is essential for successful ventures. The country’s dedication to transparency and sustainable development creates a conducive environment for local and foreign investors.

Join us for this insightful discussion on the future of Suriname and its evolving business landscape.

Produced by Global Indian Series for the Global Indian Network.
Script by Rajan Nazran
original idea: Rajan Nazran

Introduction music: (Music credit:

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