Fighting Fertility Fraud and Advocating for Change with Eve Wiley

Did you know that 1 in 5 women face fertility issues? Worldwide, 48 million couples struggle with infertility, often turning to fertility doctors for help through artificial reproductive technologies (ART) with sperm and egg donors. But what if the donor you consented to wasn’t who you were told? This is the story of Eve Wiley.

In this episode of “Sexuality and Identity,” we feature Eve Wiley, a passionate advocate for transparency and safety in artificial reproductive technologies. Eve’s personal experience with fertility fraud has driven her to raise awareness and fight for legislative changes. Over the past five years, numerous states across the U.S. have enacted laws addressing fertility fraud, including civil and criminal penalties and recognizing these acts as sexual assault.

Such violations are an affront to bodily autonomy and consent. Join us as we delve into Eve Wiley’s mission and the broader implications of fertility fraud.

Produced by Global Indian Series for the Global Indian Network.
Script by Rajan Nazran
original idea: Rajan Nazran
Podcast Host: Shireen Ashton

Introduction music: (Sound Title) – by Steven F Allen

About Eve Wiley

Eve Wiley’s journey began as a product of fertility fraud. Her parents, facing infertility challenges, carefully selected an anonymous sperm donor (Donor 106 from California Cryobank) to conceive her. At 18, Eve discovered Donor 106 and developed a meaningful father-daughter relationship. However, in 2018, commercial DNA testing revealed a shocking truth: her mother’s fertility doctor had used his own sperm, making him Eve’s biological father.

Stunned by this revelation, Eve was even more dismayed to learn that in 2019, such actions were only considered a crime in California. Determined to seek justice, she embarked on a mission to change the laws in Texas and other states, advocating for civil and criminal consequences for fertility fraud. Today, approximately 11 states in the U.S. have specific laws addressing this issue. Eve Wiley continues to be a powerful voice for victims, driving legislative change and raising awareness about fertility fraud.

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