chicken luwombo

Easy Cooking Steps for the Delicious Chicken Luwombo

6 mins read

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with the delightful dance of flavours in Chicken Luwombo! This Ugandan culinary masterpiece takes tender chicken, wraps it in a symphony of vibrant vegetables and aromatic spices, and then lovingly steams it to perfection in banana leaves. It's a culinary adventure that's as perky as it is delicious!

What does Luwombo mean?

"Luwombo" refers to a traditional Ugandan cooking method and the resulting dish. It involves marinating meat, vegetables, and spices, then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed until infused with rich flavours. The word "Luwombo" also describes the meal, celebrated for its communal aspect as it's often prepared for gatherings, traditional marriage events, and special occasions.

Chicken Luwombo specifically hails from the Buganda region of Uganda, where it's a culinary treasure with deep cultural roots. This cooking method has been passed down through generations, showcasing the region's love for using natural ingredients and creating harmonious flavours. The banana leaves infuse the dish with a distinct aroma and help retain moisture, ensuring the chicken turns out tender and succulent.

Over time, it has become a symbol of Ugandan delicacy and hospitality, showcasing the nation's vibrant food culture. It's a dish that speaks volumes about the country's history, values, and sense of togetherness, making it a must-try for anyone looking to explore Uganda's rich gastronomic heritage.

How to prep before making Chicken Luwombo

  1. Marination: Start by marinating chicken pieces with a mixture of spices and herbs, which often includes ingredients like garlic, ginger, onion, curry powder, black pepper, and sometimes chilli for a bit of heat. The chicken is allowed to soak up these flavours for some time, typically several hours or overnight.
  2. Vegetables and Ingredients: Prepare carrots, cabbage, green peppers, and green beans. These are usually sliced or chopped into bite-sized pieces. Some variations include Irish potatoes or groundnuts (peanuts) for added texture and flavour.
  3. Banana Leaves: Banana leaves are a crucial element in Luwombo cooking. They are often softened by briefly holding them over an open flame or dipping them in hot water. Banana fibre makes them pliable and easier to work with.
  4. Wrapping: Lay out a piece of banana leaf and place some marinated chicken and vegetables on it. The exact arrangement can vary, but the idea is to create a neat and compact bundle. Fold the banana leaf over the contents, then secure the edges tightly with banana leaf strips or twine.
  5. Stacking and Steaming: The wrapped bundles are traditionally stacked in a large cooking pot or steamer. The pot is usually covered with more banana leaves to seal in the steam and flavours. The bundles are then gently steamed for a while, often a couple of hours, allowing the ingredients to cook and the flavours to meld together. The aromatic steam trapped within the banana leaves imparts a distinct flavour to the dish. Chicken Luwombo is typically enjoyed with a starchy accompaniment like rice, ugali (maize porridge), or matoke (cooked plantains).

The traditional preparation of Chicken Luwombo is about the food itself and the communal experience of sharing a flavorful and aromatic meal. It's a process that embodies the warmth and togetherness of Ugandan culture.

Easy Cooking Steps for Chicken Luwombo

The marination and steaming times can be adjusted based on your preference and the size of your chicken pieces. Enjoy the delightful flavours and textures that Chicken Luwombo brings to your table!

For Marinating:

  • 500g boneless chicken pieces, cut into chunks
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 medium-sized tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 3- 5 Chicken stock cube
  • 1 tablespoon chicken masala
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

For Assembling:

  • 2 large banana leaves, softened over a flame or in hot water
  • Assorted vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, green beans, cabbage), chopped

For Steaming:

  • Extra banana leaves for wrapping, banana stem
  • Cooking twine or toothpicks or banana fibre


  • Combine chicken chunks with minced garlic, grated ginger, chopped onion slices, tomatoes, curry powder, chicken masala, salt, pepper, and chicken stock cubes in a bowl.
  • Mix well to coat the chicken with the marinade. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours or overnight.
  • Wash, peel, and chop the assorted vegetables into bite-sized pieces.
  • Lay out a softened banana leaf on a clean surface.
  • Place a portion of marinated chicken and a handful of chopped vegetables on the leaf's centre.
  • Fold the sides of the Luwombo banana leaf over the chicken and vegetables to create a snug bundle.
  • Secure the edges with toothpicks or cooking twine or banana fibre, ensuring the bundle is well-sealed.
  • Line the bottom of a large casserole dish with extra banana leaves cushioned with a banana stem.
  • Arrange the meat packages in banana leaves bundles on top of the leaves.
  • Cover the bundles with more banana leaves and place the lid on the pot.
  • Steam the chicken stew over medium or moderate heat for about 1.5 to 2 hours. The chicken should be cooked through and the vegetables tender.
  • Carefully remove the bundles from the pot.
  • Gently unwrap the banana leaves to reveal the aromatic Chicken Luwombo.
  • Serve the Chicken Luwombo with your preferred accompaniments, such as steamed rice, ugali, matoke, or smooth sauce.

Variations of Chicken Luwombo 

There are several variations of Chicken Luwombo and Luwombo dishes in general, each with its unique twist on the traditional preparation. Here are a couple of notable variations:

Groundnut Chicken Luwombo

In this version, ground nuts (peanuts) are a prominent ingredient. Groundnuts are often ground into a paste and added to the marinade, giving the dish a creamy and nutty flavour. The groundnut paste adds a rich and slightly thicker texture to the sauce created by the steam within the banana leaves.

Fish Luwombo

This variation swaps out the chicken for fish, such as tilapia or Nile perch. The fish is marinated with spices and then wrapped in banana leaves and vegetables. Fish Luwombo is a popular choice in regions with access to freshwater fish, and it offers a delightful seafood alternative to the traditional chicken version.

Beef or Pork Luwombo

Like Chicken Luwombo, these versions use marinated beef or pork chunks as the protein. The marinade and vegetable choices can vary to complement the meat's flavour.

Vegetarian Luwombo

For those who prefer a plant-based option, a vegetarian version of Luwombo can be created by omitting the meat and focusing on various flavourful vegetables, legumes, and even tofu.

These variations showcase the adaptability of the Luwombo cooking method to different ingredients and dietary preferences. The core concept of marinating, wrapping, and steaming in banana leaves remains constant, allowing for a diverse range of dishes that celebrate the essence of Ugandan cuisine.

Nutritional Value of Chicken Luwombo

Chicken Luwombo is a flavorful and wholesome dish that balances nutrients. Packed with lean protein from the chicken, it contributes to muscle development and repair. The assortment of vegetables—carrots, bell peppers, green beans, and cabbage—adds a variety of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, promoting overall health and digestion. The use of banana leaves not only imparts a distinct aroma but also introduces antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

However, the nutritional content can vary depending on portion size, ingredients, and cooking methods. Enjoyed in moderation, Chicken Luwombo can be part of a well-rounded diet, combining protein, fibre, and essential nutrients for a satisfying and nourishing meal.


So there you have it, a delightful journey through the aromatic wonderland of Chicken Luwombo! With its tender marinated chicken, vibrant veggies, and the magic touch of banana leaves, it's like a flavorful fiesta for your taste buds. So why not wrap yourself in the deliciousness of tradition and give Chicken Luwombo a whirl? It's a culinary adventure that will leave you craving more of that irresistible yum factor!


How long does it take to cook Chicken Luwombo?

The cooking time for Chicken Luwombo typically ranges from 1.5 to 2 hours. This allows the chicken to become tender, the vegetables to infuse with flavours, and the aromatic magic of the banana leaves to work its delicious charm.

What is Chicken Madhbi?

Chicken Madhbi is a traditional Arabian dish where marinated chicken is seasoned with aromatic spices and then grilled or roasted to achieve a tender and flavorful result. It's known for its smoky and earthy flavours, often enhanced by charcoal during cooking.

What is Chicken Salami?

Chicken salami is cured and dried sausage made from ground chicken meat mixed with spices, herbs, and sometimes other ingredients like garlic or peppers. It's typically sliced thin and enjoyed as a cold cut in sandwiches, salads, or charcuterie boards.

What is the local chicken poultry in Uganda?

In Uganda, the local chicken poultry mainly consists of indigenous breeds, often called "village chickens." These chickens are hardy, adapted to local conditions, and are typically raised in rural areas by households for their eggs, meat, and cultural significance.

Komala Rudra

Komala Rudra is a devoted mother and author who explores children's behavior and nutrition, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for parents and caregivers. Her writings aim to nurture healthy habits and stronger connections between parents and their little ones.

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