difference between arbitration and mediation

What Is The Difference Between Arbitration And Mediation?

Disputes are an inevitable aspect of human interaction, whether in business, family, or other spheres of life. When conflicts arise, resolving them amicably and getting legal advice is crucial, two popular alternative methods for doing so are arbitration and mediation. While both fall under the umbrella of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), they differ significantly in their processes and outcomes. This blog will delve into the difference between arbitration and mediation, exploring their mechanisms, advantages, and limitations.


Arbitration is a structured, formal process more like the litigation process where disputing parties present their cases to a neutral third party, the arbitrator, who acts as a private judge. Unlike mediation, arbitration results in a binding decision, which is enforceable like a court judgment. This method is often preferred in cases where parties seek a conclusive resolution without the formality and delays associated with traditional litigation.

The Arbitration Process 

The arbitration procedure typically begins with both parties agreeing to submit their dispute to arbitration, either voluntarily or as mandated by a pre-existing contract. The arbitrator who knows the subject matter, chosen by mutual consent or through a specified procedure, reviews evidence, hears both sides of legal issues, and renders a final settlement agreement. This decision, called the arbitration agreement, is legally binding, providing a sense of finality akin to a court judgment. An arbitration clause is a specific provision within a contract that outlines the agreement to resolve disputes through arbitration. It is a preemptive measure incorporated into contracts, specifying that any disputes arising from the contract will be subject to arbitration rather than court proceedings.

Advantages of Arbitration

One of the primary benefits of arbitration is its efficiency. The proceedings are generally quicker than court litigation, reducing the time and cost-effective for the disputing parties. Arbitration also offers a degree of flexibility in terms of scheduling and procedure, allowing for a more tailored approach to resolving legal and commercial disputes. Confidentiality is another notable advantage, as arbitration proceedings are often private, shielding sensitive information from public disclosure.

Limitations of Arbitration 

However, arbitration is not without its limitations. The binding nature of the decision means that parties must accept the outcome, even if they disagree with it. Limited options for appeal can be a downside, potentially leaving dissatisfied parties with few avenues for recourse. Additionally, the formality of the process, though less than traditional litigation, may still deter some from choosing arbitration.


Mediation, in contrast, is a non-binding and facilitative process where a neutral third party, the mediator, assists the disputing parties in reaching a voluntary agreement. The mediator does not impose a decision but rather guides the communication and negotiation process.

The Mediation Process

In mediation, the process begins with both parties voluntarily agreeing to participate. The mediator, often chosen jointly or appointed by a court, conducts joint and private meetings to foster communication and understanding. Through open dialogue, the mediator helps identify common ground and encourages the parties to generate their solutions. The goal is to arrive at a mutually acceptable settlement agreement.

Advantages of Mediation 

Mediation is lauded for its collaborative nature. The focus on open communication empowers the parties to actively participate in shaping the settlement of disputes, fostering a sense of ownership. The non-binding aspect is also an advantage, providing parties the freedom to explore creative solutions without the fear of an imposed decision. Mediation's informality and flexibility contribute to a more relaxed environment, often conducive to resolving legal disputes amicably.

Limitations of Mediation

While mediation offers a myriad of benefits, it may not be suitable for all situations. The absence of a binding decision can result in unsuccessful mediation if parties are unable to reach an agreement. Additionally, the success of mediation relies heavily on the willingness of both parties to engage in the process sincerely and not on the legal knowledge possessed by the mediator. Power imbalances or situations where one party is unwilling to cooperate may pose challenges to achieving a resolution.

Comparative Analysis: Arbitration Vs. Mediation

To better understand the difference between mediation and arbitration, it's essential to conduct a comparative analysis. Each method has its unique characteristics, making them suitable for distinct types of disputes and preferences.

Decision-Making Authority 

The most fundamental difference lies in the decision-making authority. In arbitration, the arbitrator renders a binding decision, which the parties must adhere to. This decisive outcome provides closure to the dispute. Conversely, mediation relies on voluntary agreement, emphasizing collaboration over imposition. The absence of a binding decision allows parties to explore various solutions tailored to their needs.

Formality of Proceedings

Arbitration, while less formal than traditional litigation, still adheres to certain procedural standards. Formal rules of evidence may apply, and the process often involves hearings where each party presents its case. In contrast, mediation is inherently more informal. The mediator facilitates discussions, and the process is adaptable to the parties' preferences, allowing for a more relaxed atmosphere conducive to dialogue.

Role of the Neutral Third Party 

Both arbitration and mediation involve a neutral party, but their roles differ significantly. In arbitration, the arbitrator takes on a quasi-judicial function, evaluating evidence and rendering a decision akin to a judge. In mediation, the mediator acts more as a facilitator, guiding the parties in communication and negotiation but refraining from imposing any decision. This distinction reflects the divergent approaches to conflict resolution.


In conclusion, the difference between arbitration and mediation hinges on the nature of the dispute, the desired outcome, and the preferences of the parties involved. Understanding the nuances of arbitration and mediation empowers individuals and businesses to make informed decisions when faced with conflicts. Each method offers distinct advantages and limitations, and selecting the most appropriate ADR approach requires careful consideration of the specific circumstances at hand.

Ultimately, whether opting for the decisive nature of arbitration or the collaborative spirit of mediation, the overarching goal remains the same: resolving disputes fairly, efficiently, and acceptable to all parties involved. The landscape of alternative dispute resolution continues to evolve, and as individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of conflict, a nuanced understanding of arbitration and mediation proves invaluable in achieving equitable resolutions.


Who pays the cost of arbitration?

The cost of arbitration is typically shared between the disputing parties, with each party responsible for covering their expenses and sharing the costs associated with the arbitration process, such as arbitrator fees and administrative charges. The allocation of costs may be addressed in the arbitration agreement or determined by the arbitrator.

Is mediation required before arbitration?

No, mediation is not typically required before arbitration. While parties may choose to engage in mediation as a voluntary step before arbitration, it is not a mandatory prerequisite in the arbitration process. The decision to mediate is usually at the discretion of the parties involved or may be specified in their contractual agreements.

What is another name for an arbitrator?

 Another name for an arbitrator is a "neutral" or "third-party adjudicator."

What are the similarities between arbitration and mediation?

Both arbitration and mediation are alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods designed to resolve conflicts outside of traditional court proceedings. They share similarities, such as being confidential processes, involving a neutral third party, and providing flexibility in comparison to litigation. Additionally, both aim to empower the parties involved in resolving their terms.

Komala Rudra

Komala Rudra is a devoted mother and author who explores children's behavior and nutrition, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for parents and caregivers. Her writings aim to nurture healthy habits and stronger connections between parents and their little ones.


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