Political Consulting

Can Political Consulting Help You Win an Election in the Age of Social Media?

In the interconnected nature of today's world, political consulting has undergone a seismic shift. The rise of social media platforms serves as a brand new medium for people to engage in, and this has played a crucial role in how electoral candidates and political organizations communicate with their prospective voters. These new channels have risen to the very top regarding how impressionable they are, with tweets and viral videos leaving great weight on viewers' minds. These trends have made it pivotal for political consultants to alter their strategies and effectively integrate social media into successful winning campaigns.

In this blog, we will explore the dynamics of political consulting and understand how social media can help you achieve electoral triumph.

What is Political Consulting?

Politics is a field most linked with understanding, shaping, and making laws and public policy. While politicians are the ones most associated with the field, political consultants work behind the curtains to provide political organizations with the means to rise to positions of power. These consultants ensure that a political campaign runs successfully by providing them with effective counsel.

Political consulting is a professional service industry that provides strategic advice, expertise, and support to candidates, political parties, and other stakeholders involved in the political process. These consultants offer a wide range of services aimed at helping their clients achieve their objectives, whether winning elections, shaping public opinion, advocating for policy changes, or managing crises. Political consulting encompasses campaign strategy, messaging, media relations, fundraising, polling, data analysis, and grassroots organizing.

What does a Political Consultant do?

As stated above, a political consultant works closely with politicians and political parties to ensure the success of various election campaigns. But how exactly do these political strategists work?

The duties of political consultants and political consulting firms entail multiple responsibilities. They usually work in close relation with their clients and ensure that their campaigns conclude in success. These consultants play a crucial role in shaping elections by developing appropriate slogans, strategies, and advertising policies. They work closely with journalists, media consultants, public affairs agencies, and other professionals who help control public perception.

An overlooked aspect of a political consultant's job is that they are also personal advisors. Long before politics was even called politics, political consultancy was handled by personal advisors, and this trend continues to this day. From Ancient Greek times to the current Lok Sabha elections, political consultants and consultancy firms have helped candidates with their strategies, political communications, campaign management, and polling.

Additionally, these consultants ensure that their clients maintain a sparking public image and form a trustworthy connection with the public. They also advise clients on topics to avoid discussions on controversial or negative issues that may harm their reputations. Consultants often collaborate with public relations managers to create campaigns that improve their client's public image.

Scope in India

Political consultancy and political consulting firms have surged in popularity in the last decade or two, with many such firms gaining affluence in the last few years. Narendra Modi arguably incredibly popularised the trend in 2014 when he and the BJP worked closely with I-PAC (Indian Political Action Committee) to ensure their victory in the Lok Sabha elections.


Prashant Kishor served as a crucial campaign manager for Modi's victory. He and several other volunteers from the Citizens for Accountable Governance (CAG) spearheaded the BJP's field election campaign. In Kishor, Modi found himself an elite election strategist who helped successfully transform his religion-focused public image to one of economic growth and development. Since then, Kishor has set up I-PAC, one of India's most prominent players in the political consulting industry.

The group, which was then still CAG, came up with an extensive grassroots organizing strategy that involved setting up street-level field operations to conduct accurate research and gather data from multiple people. This strategy continues to serve I-PAC to this day, and the information they collect is used to formulate effective communication and campaign strategies, as seen by their victories in Andhra Pradesh (Jagan Mohan Reddy) in 2019, as well as Delhi (Aam Aadmi Party - Arvind Kejriwal) in 2020.

Additionally, I-PAC prides itself on its strong digital strategy. Their campaigns include effective digital emphasis, an active social media presence, and the building of mobile apps and strengthening of websites. This has allowed them to build a track record of potent digital strategy that stems from compelling digital communications. I-PAC has established itself as perhaps the foremost consultancy firm in Indian politics. It has garnered a reputation based on its strategic communications strategy, grassroots research, and emphasis on digital strategy.

I-PAC's rise has also been crucial in helping popularise political consulting in India, which has allowed firms like Varahe Analytics, Showtime Consulting, and Rajneethi to flourish.

Importance of Social Media

As we have discussed, political consulting companies work closely with the media to build up their candidates. In today's world, many technological advancements have allowed communications to go digital. Social media has become an essential tool in a political consultant's handbook.

With millions and billions of people hooked on various networks and platforms, they become instrumental in shaping public opinion about candidates and political leaders. These websites allow the building of a community based on trust and connection with various electoral candidates, and they offer a widespread means of conducting surveys and research to collect information.

In addition, they effectively track figures and trends over time, thus providing political consultants with more information to better their clients' strategies. With newer generations being far more tech-savvy, social media has become the platform where political leaders, parties, and organizations must establish an identity to connect with the public.

In India, about 470 million people use social media platforms daily, a number that is only destined to rise in the coming years. This significant number implies that social media has become an essential tool through which people receive information and subsequently form opinions. Thus, it becomes imperative that political consultants utilize this system of social media to communicate effectively and channel their political strategies.


In conclusion, social media has revolutionized campaign strategies in political consulting. As exemplified by I-PAC's success in India, harnessing digital platforms like social media is pivotal for electoral triumphs. With millions engaged on these networks, political consultants must navigate and utilize these channels to shape public opinion and connect with voters effectively. In an era where information diffusion is instantaneous, mastering social media has become crucial for political success, ensuring that campaigns triumph in the digital age.


What is the difference between consulting and consultancy?

Often used interchangeably, consulting and consultancy do have a few minor differences. "Consulting" usually refers to providing advice or expert guidance on a particular subject. It can be provided by both individuals and organizations. When the latter includes consulting services, it is called "Consultancy."

What is the role of a political consultant?

The role of a political consultant is to provide strategic guidance, expertise, and support to candidates, political parties, and other stakeholders involved in the political process. They assist in various aspects of campaigns, including strategy development, messaging, media relations, fundraising, polling, data analysis, and grassroots organizing.

Why do leaders use consultants?

Leaders use consultants for their expertise. Consultants offer strategic guidance, objectivity, and specialized knowledge in campaign strategy, messaging, and crisis management. They help optimize resources, develop comprehensive plans, and navigate political complexities, enhancing leaders' capabilities and campaign effectiveness.

Samar Takkar

Samar Takkar is a third year undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Psychology and Research. An avid tech, automotive and sport enthusiast, Samar loves to read about cars & technology and watch football. In his free time, Samar enjoys playing video games and driving.


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