2024 Olympics

Are the Ongoing 2024 Olympics a Celebration of Excellence or Marred by Mishaps?

The Olympics are founded on the ideals of excellence, friendship, and respect. But do they really comprehend them? Let’s find out!

The 2024 Olympics is happening in the city of lights, Paris—bringing together athletes, viewers, and other global participants from every nook and corner of the world. To me, the Olympics have always surpassed the idea of a simple sports spectacle. They have been a display of greatness, a uniting force, and a promise of light in this world, but like usual mishaps are bound to happen.

In a world that is often divided by political strife, economic differences, and social conflicts, the Olympics offer a platform where those differences can be set aside and the critical gaze is shifted to what unites us. Athletes come from different backgrounds and are struggling not just for medals, but for the great honor of representing their countries and trying to express a universal language of sport.

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Significant Aspects of the Paris 2024 Olympics

As the whole world's focus is turned onto Paris for the 2024 Olympics, this edition is special. It marks the return of the Games to the French capital, precisely 100 years since its last hosting of the event in 1924. A couple of unique elements define these Games and set them apart in the rich history of the Olympics. 

Gender Parity

The Paris Olympics is the first to achieve complete parity between genders with an equal number of male and female participants. This is a legacy of this continuous effort toward equating genders in sports and giving females the opportunity to excel in the games on an international platform.

Refugee Olympic Team

The Refugee Olympic Team is back in Paris. Created in 2016, to represent millions of displaced people around the world who have a new opportunity, amid the winds of adversity, to compete in a sporting event. That sends a beautiful message out on the spirit of the Olympics beyond borders and includes human resilience.

Memorable Moments

The Olympics always feature great moments, be they inspiring or simply memorable. We've witnessed some amazing stories of triumph in the past—the Olympic medal winner Turkish shooter Yusuf Dikec who hiked to the games without any equipment is a timeless example of the true spirit of pressing on and never giving up. Included will be one of the most anticipated moments: gymnast Simone Biles, who came back from gigantic personal challenges and is in line to set a few records. The moment will remain imprinted on millions around the world who watch the event.


Controversies and Challenges

No Olympics, however, is bereft of its share of controversies and challenges. The Paris Games had already, a number of times, been dogged by different issues that have caused controversy and alarm.

Mishaps and Mistakes

Planning such a big event is no mean task, and finally, at times, things do go wrong with it. In previous Olympics, there have been a number of unfortunate mishaps: The playing of the wrong national anthem in 2008, and South Korea being introduced as North Korea in the opening ceremony, not to mention other incidents of flag-hoisting errors and sexism on some occasions—not overshadowing from the positives of the Games. It also focused on the controversy around the issue of gender in boxing: questions of fairness and equity that would drive a call for reform of the governmentality of the sport.

Human and Environmental Concerns

One of the big controversies, in association with the Paris Olympics is that the Seine River is dirty and unsuitable for swimming. Formerly a posterity of beauty in the city, the river is posing various health risks. In other words, it asks about the environmental sustainability in conducting the Olympics. There has also been an eruption of cultural controversies, including conservative outrage over an artistic display with drag queens that previewed the Games as a burlesque of the Last Supper. Such cases underline the dispute between modern cultural expressions and traditional values.

Geopolitical Tensions

The Olympics are always the playground of geopolitical undercurrents, and Paris 2024 is no exception. There have been reports of death threats against Israeli athletes from Palestinian supporters, which goes to prove that, in fact, there will be an international spillover into the sporting scenario. Doxing and threatening emails have also marred the run-up to the Games and further tainted what is otherwise supposed to be a celebration of global unity.

Doping and Supply Issues

The ever-present doping issue has also reared its ugly head as scandals seek to destroy the actual competition. Logistical challenges, in terms of supply shortages, have set off fears that the athletes will not be accorded adequate support and resources to compete to the best of their abilities. All these factors are likely to have a bearing on a less-than-fulfilling time for the competing and viewing public alike.

Safety Concerns

Safety becomes the prime concern for any mega event, and in that case, the Paris Olympics have been in the limelight. Recently, many people were talking and asking about the safety of tourists and participants after the recent arson attacks in Paris. With these attacks, there is a huge concern regarding security, which compelled the organizers to take stringent measures to ensure the security of all those participating.

ALSO READ: How International Sports Tournaments Can Increase a Sense of National Pride and Camaraderie


The Paris 2024 Olympics will be an event that will be etched in memory with its myriad of triumphs and tribulations. Indeed, in an event that brings the world together in celebrating the achievements of the finest athletes, the Games shall serve to remind all of the complex, at times fractious, issues that come with global gatherings. The Olympics are, after all, a very powerful symbol of what can be achieved when humanity unites around an idea, that of friendly competition with mutual respect.

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Bhanusree Vijayan

Bhanusree Vijayan is a sophomore at Christ University, pursuing a degree in Media, Communication, and English. With a profound passion for media field and content creation, her love for reading fuels her creativity, inspiring her to write compelling pieces whenever time permits. Eager to delve deeper into the world of media, she actively takes part in opportunities and cultivates the skills necessary to excel in this dynamic field.

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