Family Business Slovenia

Top Family Businesses in Slovenia in 2024

Nestled in the heart of Central Europe, Slovenia boasts a vibrant economy fueled by innovation and resilience. But beyond the sleek startups and established industries, a unique thread weaves through the nation's economic tapestry: family businesses. These enterprises, born from passion and passed down through generations, form the backbone of Slovenia's entrepreneurial spirit. As we step into 2024, let's take a closer look at some of the most prominent family businesses in Slovenia.

What is a Family Business?

A family business is an enterprise owned and operated by a family, typically defined as one or more members working together to manage and control the company. These Slovenian companies come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from small, localized shops to multi-generational corporations impacting national economies.

Scope of Family Businesses in Slovenia

In Slovenia, family businesses aren't just a few shops on the corner; they're the bedrock of the economy. The share of family enterprises is over 80%, pumping a significant portion of the Slovenian economy and the country's GDP. These businesses aren't limited to any one sector, either. Family spirit fuels innovation and adaptability in every corner of the Slovenian economic landscape, from high-tech firms to farm-fresh food producers. So, next time you raise a glass of locally brewed beer or marvel at a sleek piece of furniture, remember that you're not just supporting a business but the beating heart of Slovenia.

Top 10 Family Businesses in Slovenia

Here are the top 10 remarkable Slovenian family enterprises, each showcasing these families' unique spirit and contributions to the nation's economic landscape. Their passion, innovation, and commitment to sustainability pave the way for Slovenia's bright future, leaving an indelible mark on its economic and cultural tapestry.

1. Petrol d.d.: Fueling Progress with a Familial Flame

Few names resonate as strongly in Slovenia as Petrol d.d. Founded in 1950, this national giant transformed from a state-owned gas station chain into a diversified energy leader under the stewardship of the Košak family. Today, with over 400 gas stations, a flourishing renewable energy division, and strategic investments in logistics and retail, Petrol stands tall as a testament to the Košaks' unwavering commitment to progress. Their vision for cleaner fuels, reflected in their biofuel and electric vehicle charging infrastructure initiatives, drives financial growth and positions Petrol as a champion of environmental responsibility.

2. Krka d.d.: From Humble Beginnings to Pharmaceutical Powerhouse

The story of Krka d.d. is etched in the history of Slovenian healthcare. In 1945, brothers Božo and Janez Krajčnik established a modest apothecary in Novo Mesto, laying the foundation for a leading manufacturer of generic and innovative pharmaceuticals. Today, boasting over 5,000 employees and reaching over 70 countries, Krka's legacy is intricately intertwined with the Krajčnik family's values. Their dedication to affordable and high-quality healthcare fuels their research and development endeavours, exemplified by their state-of-the-art research facilities, constantly pushing the boundaries of medicine for the benefit of patients worldwide.

3. Jelovnik d.o.o.: Beyond Furniture, Crafting a Lifestyle Legacy

While Slovenia's beauty undeniably lies in its natural landscape, the Jelovik family paints a different masterpiece. Founded in 1957 by Ivan Jelovik, Jelovnik d.o.o. began as a small carpentry workshop driven by a passion for wood that has resonated through generations. Today, Jelovnik transcends the realm of furniture, offering a complete lifestyle experience. Their sleek, contemporary designs grace prestigious homes and hotels, each bearing the mark of meticulous craftsmanship and innovative techniques. The Jelovik family's unwavering commitment to sustainable forestry practices and local communities further elevates their brand, aligning with the values of eco-conscious consumers around the globe.

4. Perutnina Ptuj d.d.: A Taste of Tradition with Ethical Foundations

Indulge in a delicious slice of Slovenian success with Perutnina Ptuj d.d. Established in 1969 by the Žlah family company, Perutnina has woven itself into the fabric of everyday life, delivering high-quality poultry products for over five decades. But their success goes beyond taste. The Žlah family prioritizes animal welfare and sustainable farming practices, employing closed-loop production systems that minimize environmental impact. This dedication has earned Perutnina numerous accolades and solidified its position as a trusted brand for ethically sourced poultry products.

5. Bevog d.d.: Raising a Glass to Craft Beer Innovation

Bevog d.d. is synonymous with exquisite craftsmanship and bold flavours for beer enthusiasts. Founded in 1866 by Anton Lasnik, Bevog started as a family-run operation, but under the watchful eye of the Turk family, it has blossomed into a champion of craft brewing. Today, Bevog offers a diverse range of beers, each a testament to the Turk family's dedication to heritage and innovation. They honour Lasnik's original recipes while experimenting with new ingredients and brewing techniques, consistently pushing the boundaries of what craft beer can be. This blend of old and new has earned Bevog numerous awards and established it as a must-try for discerning palates worldwide.

6. COMARK d.o.o.: Manufacturing Masters Building the Future

Beyond consumer goods, Slovenian enterprises thrive in specialized sectors like advanced manufacturing. COMARK d.o.o., under the guidance of the Klančnik family, stands as a leader in this domain. Their expertise lies in automotive components and industrial systems, with their innovative solutions powering industries across the globe. COMARK's commitment to research and development ensures they remain at the forefront of their field, continuously pushing the boundaries of what's possible in precision engineering.

7. Dvig d.o.o. (Dvorak family): Building with Sustainability in Mind

As Slovenia looks towards a greener future, Dvig d.o.o. is a leader in sustainable construction. Founded by the Dvorak family, Dvig specializes in energy-efficient and environmentally conscious building solutions, from residential projects to large-scale commercial developments. Their dedication to renewable energy integration and minimizing environmental impact makes them a trusted partner for clients seeking responsible building practices.

8. EKO DIM d.o.o. (Dolenč family): Lighting the Way to Green Illumination

Shining a light on energy efficiency, EKO DIM d.o.o. stands tall under the guidance of the Dolenč family. This company specializes in developing and producing innovative LED lighting solutions for residential and commercial applications. Their dedication to reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainability has earned them recognition as leaders in the field, influencing how Slovenia illuminates its future.

9. HERMI d.o.o. (Hermič family): Driving Supply Chain Efficiency

Keeping the wheels of industry turning, HERMI d.o.o. excels in logistics solutions under the leadership of the Hermič family. Their comprehensive offerings, including transportation, warehousing, and freight forwarding, cater to diverse needs across various sectors. HERMI's commitment to innovation and technology, such as utilizing AI-powered logistics management systems, ensures they remain at the forefront of efficient supply chain management.

10. Mizarstvo Jezeršek d.o.o. (Jezeršek family): Where Wood Whispers Art

Elevating carpentry to an art form, Mizarstvo Jezeršek d.o.o. carries the legacy of the Jezeršek family's passion for wood. Their exquisite bespoke furniture and interior elements grace luxury homes and hotels, each bearing the mark of generations-old craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail. Mizarstvo Jezeršek's dedication to sustainable forestry practices and traditional techniques adds another layer of artistry to their work, preserving heritage while innovating for the future.

Success of Slovenian Family Business

The three pillars – strong familial values, flexibility and agility, and commitment to the community – form the foundation of Slovenian family business success. They're not just buzzwords; they're the beating heart of these enterprises, driving their resilience, innovation, and, ultimately, their contribution to the nation's vibrant economic landscape.

Strong Familial Values

Generations of know-how are the cornerstone of Slovenian family businesses. Imagine a timeworn recipe book passed down through the years, each page marked with annotations and tweaks from every family member. This is the essence of familial values in action. Knowledge of the trade, honed through years of experience, flows like a precious inheritance. Skills are cultivated under the watchful eyes of seasoned mentors, and shared dreams and a deep-seated connection to the business kindle the fire of passion. This intimate understanding fosters a unique bond between the company and its family, fostering loyalty, commitment, and a long-term vision for success.

Flexibility and Agility

Think of a mountain goat nimbly navigating precarious cliffs. That's the image that comes to mind when looking at the agility of Slovenian family businesses. Unlike cumbersome corporations mired in bureaucracy, these businesses pirouette with the market. Fueled by flat hierarchies and open communication, quick decision-making allows them to seize fleeting opportunities and adjust to market changes like chameleons. This fluidity gives them a crucial edge in today's fast-paced economic landscape. They can experiment with innovative ideas, respond swiftly to customer demands, and navigate through turbulence gracefully and resiliently.

Commitment to Community

Family businesses in Slovenia aren't lone wolves; they're integral threads in the tapestry of their communities. They're familiar faces in the corner shop, trusted employers who provide jobs and livelihoods, and long-term partners to local suppliers. This commitment goes beyond business transactions; it fosters deep, enduring relationships built on trust and mutual respect. Employees feel valued like family, customers receive personalized service, and suppliers become reliable partners in shared success. This investment in the community creates a strong support system, fostering loyalty and boosting the local economy, ultimately allowing both the business and the community to prosper together.

Succession and Management Dynamics in Slovenian Family SMEs

In Slovenian family micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the intricate interplay between management functions and succession issues is a focal point. The Slovenian Entrepreneurship Consulting services become paramount in addressing these dynamics, offering proper training to navigate the complexities of market economy transitions. Recognizing the importance of size structure, the Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory employs meticulous sampling methods to capture a comprehensive view of family businesses. Succession in family SMEs underscores the need for proactive measures and strategic planning. By leveraging insights from the Observatory's research, family SMEs in Slovenia can overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities, ensuring a robust and sustainable future for their enterprises.

Challenges faced by Slovenian Family Businesses

From the intricate dynamics of succession planning to navigating the complexities of the market economy, Slovenian family businesses face multifaceted hurdles.

Succession Planning Challenges

One of the primary challenges faced by Slovenian family businesses revolves around family business succession issues. Navigating the transition from one generation to the next requires careful consideration of the share of family business dynamics and leadership capabilities and ensuring a seamless transfer of knowledge and authority. The delicate balance between maintaining tradition and embracing innovation poses a significant hurdle for many family businesses in Slovenia.

Market Economy Dynamics

Slovenian family businesses encounter challenges in adapting to the dynamics of the market economy. Rapid technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and global competition demand a level of agility that may be challenging for some family enterprises. Striking a balance between preserving traditional values and embracing modern business practices becomes crucial in this evolving economic landscape.

Size Structure Complexities

The structure of family businesses in Slovenia introduces its own complexities. Family SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises) often need help with resource constraints, making investing in innovation, expansion, or internationalization challenging. Finding the right balance between growth aspirations, project management functions, strategic management, and practical limitations is a persistent challenge for family businesses of varying sizes.

Consulting Services and Expertise Gaps

Access to professional consulting services and expertise is another challenge Slovenian family businesses face. Addressing finance, legal compliance, and strategic planning issues may require external guidance or a management team. However, finding and affording such services can be a hurdle, particularly for smaller family enterprises needing more financial resources for extensive professional support.

Training and Skill Development

Proper training activities and skill development within family businesses emerge as crucial challenges. Ensuring that family members and employees possess the necessary skills to meet contemporary demands is essential as industries evolve. Overcoming resistance to change and fostering a culture of continuous learning become key priorities for sustainable growth.


Family businesses in Slovenia represent a unique blend of tradition, entrepreneurship, and community engagement. Their scope extends across various industries, contributing significantly to the country's economic landscape. As Slovenia continues to evolve, family businesses play a vital role in shaping the nation's business environment, embodying the spirit of continuity, innovation, and community involvement.


Is Slovenia a tax haven?

No, Slovenia is not considered a tax haven. It's a member of the European Union and adheres to international tax standards. While its corporate tax rate might be slightly lower than some other EU countries, it still maintains comprehensive taxation systems for individuals and businesses.

What is the richest family-owned business?

For publicly traded companies, the Walton family behind Walmart holds the crown with an estimated wealth of $224.5 billion. But for privately held businesses, identifying the top contender is trickier, with contenders like the Koch brothers and the House of Saud potentially vying for the title.

How powerful is the Rothschild family?

Historically influential in finance, the Rothschild family played a significant role in 19th-century European banking. However, their contemporary influence is significantly diminished, and claims of omnipotent power are often exaggerated or rooted in conspiracy theories.

What country has the most family-owned businesses?

India and Italy consistently rank at the top, boasting significantly high percentages of family-run enterprises contributing substantially to their GDPs.

Komala Rudra

Komala Rudra is a devoted mother and author who explores children's behavior and nutrition, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for parents and caregivers. Her writings aim to nurture healthy habits and stronger connections between parents and their little ones.


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