video games

How Video Games Transcend Themselves

In the last few decades, video games have become synonymous with the concept of entertainment and leisure, especially among the younger population. As the popularity of video games has grown, it is quite interesting to see how they have transcended from being seen as pure tools for recreation to vessels of cultural phenomenon and change. Through the creative ideations and ingenuity of video game creators, video games have risen from being “just games” to a medium through which a significant impact has been reached on various levels of social interactions, art, and history. 

The initial pioneers of gaming, Atari and Nintendo, spearheaded the advent of computer games as we know them today. Video games were a hit as soon as they struck the market, and their popularity in social contexts has grown tenfold. While initially limited by the hardware capabilities of computers in the late 20th century, video games today have grown exponentially in the technology they are capable of utilising. Through this steadfast growth of technological barriers in gaming, game companies began using their creations as a canvas for the stories and history they wished to convey. Soon enough, timeless stories and narratives captured the mass market, and there began the rise of gaming culture as we know it today. 

Today, in the 21st century, video games mark an important avenue for communication and social interaction among many levels of society. Serving as a common mode for individuals all over the globe to bond over, today’s video games encourage relations and dealings among large communities of gamers, creators, e-sports athletes, and enthusiasts to bond over. Games like World of Warcraft and League of Legends transformed the gaming industry into a global multiplayer phenomenon, fostering a sense of camaraderie and competition among players around the world. 

Perhaps the most transcendent quality that video games possess today is the innate creative narrative and art styles that exist within many of them. Through ingenious storytelling, video games today rival traditional media, such as TV shows or movies, in terms of storylines and emotionality. The advent of role-playing games enables players to essentially transport themselves into magical worlds of times long gone and allows them to play out hefty storylines through the eyes of a particular character. This deeply personal method of storytelling permits players to form emotional bonds with characters that traditional media simply does not allow. 

Furthermore, many video games are extremely appealing to the eye, thanks to the incredible work of game artists and designers. Video games allow these extremely talented individuals to express their art styles to millions around the world, providing a deep sense of satisfaction and connection. 

Beyond this, video games provide applications in history and the continuation of ancient myths and traditions. Many video games choose to go down the path of historic storytelling, providing players with an accurate visual account of the events that happened. Individuals of my generation and the next remember more about historical happenings from games like Assasin’s Creed than they do from any history textbook they touched. Additionally, games like Hades revel in the Homerian glory of ancient myth and tradition, allowing players from today to soak in the glory of the classical age, something they otherwise might not know of. 

Furthermore, video games have even found themselves a place in various school settings with the rise of VR gadgets and other “gamified” teaching plans. These technologies push the boundaries of immersive learning, allowing students to explore historical settings, conduct virtual experiments, and engage with complex concepts in interactive ways that foster memorable learning experiences. 

Looking ahead, the future of video games promises even greater innovation and integration into our daily lives. Advancements in artificial intelligence, cloud gaming, and virtual reality will continue to redefine the gaming experience. Games will become more inclusive and accessible, catering to diverse audiences and addressing social issues through interactive storytelling.

In conclusion, video games have transcended themselves from mere entertainment to a multifaceted cultural phenomenon that impacts art, education, social interaction, and beyond. As technology evolves and creative boundaries expand, video games will continue to push the limits of imagination, offering new avenues for expression, connection, and exploration in the digital age.

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Samar Takkar

Samar Takkar is a third year undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Psychology and Research. An avid tech, automotive and sport enthusiast, Samar loves to read about cars & technology and watch football. In his free time, Samar enjoys playing video games and driving.

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