organ transplant

A Shocking Expose of Organ Transplant Racket

Of the total organ transplants that occur globally, 10% of them are illegally sourced through organ trafficking.

Recently, the Delhi Police uncovered a serious organ transplant racket. This illegal operation, led by an MBA graduate and involving a female doctor, has sent shockwaves through the medical community and society at large. Let's dive into this disturbing story and understand its implications for all of us.

How This Began?

Did you know the kidney is the most donated organ but has more than a 50% chance of rejection by the body later after transplantation?


Imagine you’re at a hospital, desperate for a kidney transplant for yourself or your family. You meet someone who promises to help. You pay them a huge sum of money, hoping for a second chance at life. But then, you realise it was all a scam. This is exactly what happened to one unfortunate person in Delhi.

A woman filed a complaint to the police that her husband had been cheated. He had paid ₹35 lakh (about $42,000) to a group that promised to arrange a kidney for him. But they never received it. This complaint was the first lead, exposing a more sinister under wraps.

Who is the Mastermind Behind the Organ Transplant Racket? 


At the centre of this illegal organ trafficking was Sandeep Arya. Don't let his qualifications fool you. Despite having an MBA in Public Health, Arya chose to use his knowledge for evil rather than good.

Arya worked as a transplant coordinator in various hospitals. He used his position to identify desperate low-income group patients and exploit them. For each kidney transplant, he charged between ₹35-40 lakh (about $42,000-$48,000). From this, he pocketed a profit of ₹7-8 lakh (about $8,400-$9,600) per case.

But Arya didn't work alone. He had a team of accomplices, each playing an important role in this crime.

Health and Well Being CTA

The Gang

Devender Jha

Devender Jha, Arya's brother-in-law, handled the money. Despite only studying until 10th grade, Jha played a key role in receiving payments. This shows how even those without advanced education can become involved in complex criminal operations.

Dr Vijaya Kumari

The most shocking member of this gang was Dr Vijaya Kumari, a 50-year-old doctor who was supposed to save lives, not endanger them. She wasn’t a regular doctor at the hospital but a consultant doctor who performed transplants at Yatharth Hospital in Noida. She was also associated with Indraprastha Apollo Hospital on a fee-for-service basis.

The involvement of a qualified doctor in this racket raises serious questions about medical ethics. It reminds us that even trusted professionals can sometimes betray their oaths for personal gain.

How They Operated?

The gang's method of operation was both clever and cruel. Here's how they carried out their illegal activities:

Finding Victims on Both Sides

The gang identified patients suffering from kidney diseases looking for transplantations in hospitals across several cities. These included Delhi, Gujarat, Faridabad, Mohali, Panchkula, Agra, and Indore. They approached these desperate patients, offering them post-operative care and a ransome for their organs.

But they needed kidneys too. So, they turned to social media. They contacted potential donors, often poor and desperate people, offering them ₹5-6 lakh (about $6,000-$7,200) for their kidneys. This exploited the financial desperation of individuals, putting their health at risk for money leading to organ trafficking.

Faking Documents

In India, organ donation laws are strict. According to the National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO), donors must be close relatives of the recipients. But the gang had a way around this. They created fake documents to show that donors and recipients were related.

Using fake stamps, mobile phones, and laptops, they forged all the necessary paperwork. This clever but illegal tactic allowed them to bypass important safeguards in the transplant process.

Conducting Transplants

With fake documents, the gang managed to get transplants done in 11 different hospitals. These hospitals were in cities such as Delhi-NCR, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat.

So far, investigators have identified 34 illegal transplants. But the actual number could be much higher. This wide reach shows how the gang managed to operate across state lines, making detection more difficult.

Bringing Down the Organ Transplant Racket

The Investigation Begins

When the complaint about the cheated kidney patient came in, the Inter-State Cell of the Crime Branch took notice. They started digging deeper, slowly uncovering the vast network of this illegal operation.

The Arrests

A team led by ACP Raman Lamba conducted a careful, week-long operation. Their patience led to the arrest of eight people, including Arya and Jha, from a five-star hotel in Goa. Other gang members were nabbed from various parts of the country.

The Evidence Found in the Organ Transplant Racket

During their raids, the police seized a ton of evidence:

  • 34 fake stamps
  • 17 mobile phones
  • 2 laptops
  • 9 SIM cards
  • 1 luxury car
  • ₹1.50 lakh in cash
  • Numerous forged documents
  • Files of patients and donors

This evidence was crucial in building a strong case against the accused. It showed the scale and sophistication of their operation.

Health and Well Being CTA

Legal Actions and Consequences

Charges Filed

They filed charges against the accused under various sections of the Indian Penal Code. These included forgery and cheating. They also charged them under the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, of 1994.

But it wasn't just the gang members who faced legal trouble. The police also initiated legal action against five patients who received transplants and two donors. This serves as a warning that even desperate patients can't break the law without consequences.

Hospital Responses

Hospitals like Indraprastha Apollo and Yatharth were quick to distance themselves from the scandal. They denied any direct association with Dr Kumari and stated they had cooperated fully with the investigations.

These hospitals emphasised their commitment to ethical standards and patient safety. However, the fact that illegal transplants occurred in their facilities raises questions about their oversight processes.

The Bigger Picture 

The Human Cost

Behind the numbers and legal charges, there's a human story. Desperate patients, willing to pay anything for a chance at life. Poor individuals are tempted to sell a part of themselves for money. Families are torn apart by deceit and illegal activities.

This racket exploited human suffering on both sides. It turned the noble act of organ donation into a cruel business transaction.

Trust in the Medical System

When doctors and hospitals are involved in illegal activities, it shakes our faith in the entire medical system. We might become hesitant to seek medical help or consider organ donation. This can have serious consequences for public health as a whole.

The Need for Vigilance

This case shows us that we can't take things for granted, incidents like these may occur to us or our family. We need to be alert, ask questions, and ensure that strict procedures are followed. Whether we're patients, donors, or just concerned citizens, we all have a role to play in preventing such crimes.

Legal and Ethical Questions

This organ transplant racket raises important legal and ethical questions. How can we balance the urgent need for organs with proper safeguards? How can we ensure that desperate patients and donors aren't exploited? These are complex issues that our society needs to face.

What Can We Do?

Stay Informed

Knowledge is power. Learn more about organ donation laws and procedures in your place. Understand what's legal and what's not. This can help you spot potential red flags.

Ask Questions

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Where is the organ coming from? What's the process? How can you verify the information? Legitimate medical professionals will be happy to answer your questions.

Report Suspicious Activities

If something doesn't seem right, speak up. Contact the hospital administration or local authorities. Your vigilance could save lives and prevent others from being exploited.

Support Ethical Organ Donation

Consider becoming a registered organ donor yourself. Support awareness campaigns about legal and ethical organ donation. The more we support legitimate channels, the less space there will be for illegal activities.

Final Words

Shocking to know that for three years this racket was operating escaping police vigil. This shows the other side of human desperation and greed. However, it also highlights the importance of ethical medical practices and a stringent legal system.

Why can’t we build a healthcare system that truly puts patients first? Only then can we ensure that the noble act of organ donation remains just that – noble.

Health and Well Being CTA

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Komala Rudra

Komala Rudra is a devoted mother and author who explores children's behavior and nutrition, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for parents and caregivers. Her writings aim to nurture healthy habits and stronger connections between parents and their little ones.

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