business identity

Building a Successful Business Identity

In a market of cutthroat competition, being the best is simply not enough. The fact that your product is better than your competitors is a great edge, but being better is not enough, being different is more important. Having a strong sense of business identity that elevates your business or product from the rest is one of the best ways to achieve distinguishability.

A strong identity not only alleviates you from the competition, but also provides scope for internal growth; it is what drives the organisation to perform, what makes hiring top talent easier, and what gives a strong foundation and framework by which to operate the company. A strong identity is what truly separates the behemoths from the rest in their respective fields. 

But how does one go about doing that?

In a world where competition regularly threatens your aim for the number one spot, it is difficult to create and maintain your own identity; difficult but not impossible. Big brands such as McDonald’s, Apple, and IKEA have created unmistakable identities to lead large shares of their respective markets. There are several ways to help your business stand out from the crowd.

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Building a brand image is the first step in creating an identity that helps you stand out. A brand image is the perception of the product or business that a customer possesses. A brand image starts with a strong visual image that portrays the company. It comprises various elements; the logo, the mascot, the colors, and the social media presence. Having a unique and positive brand image is key to a business identity.

Secondly, analyzing the company and the market is a proven way to help management determine strengths and weaknesses and help outline goals. It is fundamental to identify and develop key business goals and the strategies required to achieve them. After analyzing the company, the next logical step is to identify and analyze the customers.

Conducting surveys and interviews is a sure way to help know the customer better. Customer management and satisfaction are also key factors; placing the customer above all and treating them like royalty, following up on their wants and needs, and building a great customer service and response team is crucial in ensuring that customers keep coming back to you. Remarkable customer support generates loyal customers, and those are the best kind.

Lastly, continuous reinvention is a very important aspect in today’s market. Staying on top of the latest global trends, induction of new technologies and processes, and an efficient way to utilize growing social media networks are all very important in ensuring that your business stays with the times and doesn’t become obsolete. However, all this must be done with the effectiveness of your products in mind. The last thing loyal customers want is lowering the quality of products in the name of ‘reinvention’. 

It is critical that you successfully manage to build a strong business and brand identity that propels you to the top of every consumer’s wish list. A strong identity is truly the key to establishing a distinctive, special business and being the number one choice of customers, both logically and emotionally.

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Samar Takkar

Samar Takkar is a third year undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Psychology and Research. An avid tech, automotive and sport enthusiast, Samar loves to read about cars & technology and watch football. In his free time, Samar enjoys playing video games and driving.

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