
Behind the Curtain in Pakistan: Unmasking the Real Face of Imran Khan

Author: Hajra Khan

A self-proclaimed Pashtoon, yet Punjabi by origin, an ex-cricketer and playboy known for his looks in his youth, now a fascist cult leader, Imran Khan has wreaked havoc in Pakistan, from an anti-status quo pressure group to a full-blown anti-state political wing of the TTP. 

Imran Khan's disastrous tenure as Prime Minister was marked by the settlement of thousands of TTP terrorists, mostly in KPK, where he still rules and the empowerment of extremist groups in Punjab. Meanwhile, his 12-year rule in KPK left the province bankrupt and crippled by empty promises and not knowing how to pay school teachers next month, but funds trolls on the Exchequer account.

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This serial misogynist and predator has a history of objectifying women at events and rallies, blaming rape victims, and turning a blind eye to paedophilia. His government in KPK even moved a convicted child pornographer from Europe under the pretext of local punishment, only to free him and appoint him as an IT consultant, where he continued his criminal activities involving child pornography.

His fascist, racist, and terrorist-upholding politics have brought suffering to every Pakistani citizen, especially children and women, from calling victims of the hazard genocide blackmailers to letting them eat cake brush-offs. From his playboy bragging stories to his jihadi Islamic politics of violence and anarchy, his catastrophic bigotry and refusal to acknowledge his love child are merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his hypocrisy, failed governance, and the paid publicity he has come to believe. 

Memoirs from Hajra Khan, his ex-wife, and many other women have surfaced, recounting his predatory and sociopathic behaviour, along with stories of debauchery and drug use. His morally corrupt and unsympathetic stance on elite capture and financial corruption should expose this bigoted cult leader, who has claimed to be nothing more than a donkey painted to look like a zebra in the UK.

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